The Month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows. The most popular hymn or chant to the Blessed Virgin under this title is the Stabat Mater sequence which is chanted on the feast proper, September 15. However, there are several other hymns devoted to her under this title including the hymn “Mother of Sorrows.”
The Virgin’s life was filled with joy because she had the gift of remaining in the presence of her Son until his 33rd year. However, a deep darkness fell upon her in those last hours of her Son’s life when she had to witness His extraordinary sufferings. The hymn, “Mother of Sorrows” communicates this darkness to the listener, however, there is still an air of lightness about it. One stanza in particular brings out this theme of light in the midst of darkness:
He is my God! and since that night When first I saw His infant grace, My soul has feasted on the light, The beauty of that heavenly face.
Though the surrounding lyrics express Mary’s deep pain, this stanza indicates a glimmer of light. Such as that sudden flash of light or consolation that carries us through dark times that we ourselves might be familiar with. It is beauty in particular that is able to pierce through; the beauty of her Son’s face.
The Benedictine Sisters always do a wonderful job and this is truly lovely! I have recited St. Bridget's Our Lady of Sorrows daily since 2014. I think it is a linchpin that holds everything we believe together, crucial to the promised restoration.